Two months ago we decided to challenge ourselves: create unique and inspirational content on the Dribbble, and of course, we had a desire to get on the Dribbble top design teams list. Have you seen those giants accounts with such a personalized cool style and a massive of the online following? As a result, we needed to draw a lot, create even more and post it regularly.
Works were variable, we’ve been sharing on our Dribbble account: websites, mobile app concepts and illustrations. It was not easy when we were working the whole day long with our real projects, that have already fixed deadlines. Considering that we were supposed to supplement our portfolio with high-quality content only, we needed lots of energy and inspiration and time. Time — is the most valuable resource, which you will never get enough. Support and warm feedback of our followers helped us a lot, at certain moments it was an emergency. Our subscribers enjoyed something more, something less. However, the audience has been increasing, works were on top, and we did not just hit the Dribbble top design teams list, even more — once we became the first on its!

We have been posting shots regularly before, but rarely. The key was the frequency of posting and updated service algorithms. Those two factors gave us an enormous stimulus and an opportunity to execute our plans. The analytics, that we’ve done, show an enormous result: the users’ activity on our account has increased by 1300% over the last few months.
And today a number of our subscribers reached 10k! It’s hard to explain how happy we are that we passed this mark and how inspired to create more cool stuff. In the office emotions enchanting spectacle reigns. This would be unreal without our subscribers’ support.
Also, we were glad to hear that our celebration matched with the Dribbble 10th birthday. It is a day of getting hit. And if it is a “day of the 10”, we prepared for you a selection of our top 10 Dribbble shots, from the Halo Lab team.

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