Sanity and WordPress: which one should you choose?

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An effective and user-friendly content management system is crucial for anyone looking to make an impact online. Whether you’re building a blog, a corporate website, or an intricate e-store, the choice of CMS can make or break your online projects. Bearing this in mind, today we’d like to compare two most popular and buzzworthy content management platforms: Sanity and WordPress. Each has its unique strengths, catering to different needs and preferences — but which one will be best for you?

On one side, there is Sanity, renowned for its real-time collaboration and structured content approach, while on the other side, it competes with WordPress — the industry giant known for its versatility and extensive community support.

We understand how hard it is to choose between these leading competitors. That’s why we created this guide — to help you get the nuances of Sanity and WordPress, learning insights into their main features and capabilities. Read on as we’ll explore each platform in detail, and let’s find the best solution for your product together!

The right content management system is the backbone of 
a successful online presence.

Quick overview: Sanity and WordPress

Every website creator has a unique digital blueprint they seek to bring to life. In this pursuit, choosing the right content management system becomes a pivotal decision. Here, we offer a quick but insightful overview of these two platforms, shedding light on how they handle web creation and management aspects.

What is Sanity?

Sanity CMS is a modern, flexible solution for managing website content. It is an easy-to-use platform that lets web developers and content creators work together smoothly. It’s more than just editing text, as you can handle images, videos, and all sorts of media.

Sanity makes the whole process of putting stuff online much easier and more organized.

What is the best part? Everyone can work on the same thing simultaneously without interfering with each other. Team members can bounce ideas off in real time, making the process faster and more dynamic. Also, this platform is customizable and fits whatever project you’re working on, big or small.

CMS can significantly impact your digital strategy

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a world-known open-source content management system renowned for its simplicity and versatility. It began as a simple blogging tool back in 2003, but now it’s the go-to solution for creating all sorts of websites, from small personal pages to big-time business sites.

Regardless of how much you know about web design, WordPress always has something for you. It’s a platform full of features that help create a functional website of any complexity — whether it’s a simple blog or a large e-commerce site.

Due to its ease of use and extensive market of themes and plugins, WordPress is a widely popular platform. Are you just starting out in website development? Or are you an experienced developer? It doesn’t matter because WordPress has something for everyone.

 Coding skills for CMS remain optional but not compulsory

Which CMS is better: key differences

Whether you are seeking a straightforward platform for blogging or a complex system for web development, each CMS has its unique strengths and limitations. Below, a comparative table highlights the key differences between Sanity and WordPress, guiding you in selecting the right one.

Tariff plansFree to start, pricing plans start from $15 per user per month.Free to start, various prices for hosting and themes
Ease of useFlexible and user-friendlyComplex adaptation
CustomizationMore straightforward and systematic customization abilityFull site editing feature
Team managementAccess for up to 10 users in most plans, with custom user roles available in the Enterprise planMultiple users can work on a website with different roles and permissions
Plugins and extensions Variety of publicly available pluginsMore than 58,000 plugins
Free themes and templatesClean and full-fledged templatesMore than 10,000
Third-party integrations A wide range of integrationsA variety of third-party services and APIs
SecurityConducts regular penetration testing and adheres to industry standards such as GDPRRequires constant updating and additional security plugins
Content management capabilitiesBeginner friendly CMSMore complex CMS
SEO opportunitiesBuilt-in SEO featuresBuilt-in SEO tools with third-party SEO plugins
Performance optimizationEfficient loading and smoother user experienceDepends on hosting, amount of content, and plugin count
E-commerce functionalityHas several features for building e-commerce websitesExtensive e-commerce functionality with WooCommerce plugin
Community supportSupportive community with resources and assistance for beginnersLarge and active community

So, we’ve kicked off from our starting line. As you can see, each CMS meets different requirements and offers unique features and functionalities. Consider the comparative table as just the basic point of our story. In the sections ahead, we’ll explore the aspects of each CMS to help you figure out which fits your goals more.


Navigating the realm of CMS options begins with a critical factor: pricing. Understanding how Sanity and WordPress differ in cost is key to making the right
choice. Get ready to find out which gives you more bang for your buck and suits your budget best.


Sanity CMS offers a versatile pricing structure that caters to a wide range of users, from individuals and small teams to large enterprises.

  • Free. This plan is ideal for beginners, providing a hosted content database and free admin users, with pay-as-you-go for additional resources.
  • Growth. Priced at $15 per user per month, this plan suits small teams collaborating on content with the flexibility to scale.
  • Enterprise. Businesses can get customized solutions, including complex security, support, and performance, with scalability in pricing and features.

Has a project in mind? Big or small, Sanity has got a plan for it all. Each of these tariffs is tailored to different levels of needs, making Sanity a universal solution for a wide range of projects and organizational sizes.


WordPress, an open-source CMS, is entirely free, offering the flexibility to install it on any hosting service that supports PHP and MySQL. While WordPress itself doesn’t cost anything, the associated expenses can pop up unexpectedly.

You need to pay some money for themes and plugins, both available in free and paid versions, with themes typically ranging from $50 to $200 and plugins from $20 to $200. Plus, a domain name usually costs around $10 to $20 annually. WordPress is free, but the total expenses for using it effectively range from minimal to a few hundred dollars per year, depending on your needs and choices.

Ease-of-use and setup process

Have you ever felt like pulling your hair out during a complicated installation? Yeah, we’ve been there too. That’s why the ease of setting up a CMS is a big deal. Let’s explore how each platform stacks up in this regard, highlighting their user-friendly features and the simplicity of their setup processes.


Imagine stepping into a sleek, user-friendly environment once you’ve set everything up. That’s the kind of vibe you get with Sanity CMS. The process starts with creating an account on their website, where you’ll provide basic details and choose a pricing plan. To start a new project, name it and decide on hosting. 

You can then either start a project from scratch (a blank canvas where a developer can create a desired content structure) or use templates with a predefined page and data structure. A template will allow you to start editing content immediately after its installation. And the best part? The real-time preview function will show changes as you make them.

The setup process is just the first step in launching your project, and it’s crucial to note that development expertise is indispensable, regardless of the technologies employed. Whether you’re building a web application, a mobile app, or integrating content into new technologies, a developer’s involvement is required to use the full potential of Sanity CMS. With its robust API and developer-friendly environment, Sanity allows developers to create projects, using modern frameworks and tools.


Setting up a WordPress can be a more complicated task, especially for non -developers. It typically starts with choosing the best hosting spot and registering a domain name by seeking the best one on the Internet. Then, you can install WordPress with a single click and select a theme to begin designing your site. The final twist requires plugin installation if you are looking for extra functionality.

This CMS is renowned for its intuitive interface with the WYSIWYG editor that simplifies content creation and editing without coding skills. Want to switch up your website’s outfit? Easy peasy — pick a theme and play with the colors. But if you aim for a custom look, you might need tech-savvy skills to achieve the desired result.


Have you ever felt like pulling your hair out during a complicated installation? Yeah, we’ve been there too. That’s why the ease of setting up a CMS is a big deal. Let’s explore how each platform stacks up in this regard, highlighting their user-friendly features and the simplicity of their setup processes.


Sanity CMS stands out for its exceptional customization capabilities, offering a highly flexible platform for developers. It’s a headless CMS, which gives a backstage pass to manage content independently from what it looks like on the front-end stage. This architecture grants developers unparalleled flexibility in creating dynamic, content-driven applications across various platforms and devices. You can pair it with cool front-end techs like React, Vue.js, or even old-school HTML/CSS. This flexibility allows for the creation of unique, responsive user experiences. Key features include:

  • Content structure.  You can customize data models and content types using JavaScript. This grants developers flexibility and control over their content structures. This lets the CMS adapt and grow alongside your project, ensuring it always delivers a perfect fit for your unique needs.
  • User interface. With the help of React or Vue.js, or other frameworks, you are free to develop personalized UI components and layouts.
  • Content preview and editing. To enhance editing, use custom preview components and specialized field editors.
  • API integration. With Sanity CMS, you can seamlessly integrate with external data sources or systems using its GROQ API, Sanity’s powerful query language. This API empowers developers to fetch and manipulate data stored in Sanity, facilitating seamless integration with external platforms or services. Additionally, developers can use GraphQL API, to retrieve precisely the data they need from their content structures.
  • Plugin development. Creating custom plugins can expand functionality and leverage the extensive plugin ecosystem.

Sanity’s headless architecture offers different customization options, making it a powerful tool for developers creating highly personalized web projects.


WordPress, a traditional CMS known for its flexibility, offers extensive customization options, making it ideal for creating unique, engaging websites. The main features include:

  • Appearance and design. You can choose from many themes, customize colors, fonts, and layouts, and use the WordPress Customizer for real-time visual edits.
  • Content management. This platform offers the ability to create custom post types, taxonomies, and fields to manage diverse content effectively.
  • Functionality. It is possible to enhance your site with plugins for e-commerce, social media, and more. 
  • User experience. With WordPress, you are able to design custom menus, widgets, and embed interactive elements using shortcodes.
  • Extension and integration. Users can develop custom plugins and integrate with third-party services via plugins or APIs.

WordPress flexibility extends even further for those adept in coding, allowing the customization of themes and functionalities through CSS tweaks and advanced PHP coding, unlocking the platform’s full potential. WordPress CMS offers a user-friendly interface with a vast array of plugins and themes, making it highly adaptable for various design and functional needs.

Mobile friendliness

Mobile friendliness is crucial to any website, as more users surf the Internet through smartphones than ever before. This shift underscores the importance of choosing a CMS that delivers a smooth, responsive experience that feels good on any gadget, from the giant desktop screens to the smartest of smartphones.


Sanity CMS is designed with a strong focus on mobile-friendliness, ensuring content looks great and functions well on mobile devices. It achieves this through responsive design, API-driven content delivery for mobile access, and optimized images for faster load times on mobile networks. Sanity also offers mobile preview tools and mobile-friendly SDKs, making it easier for developers to build and test for different platforms. This comprehensive approach guarantees that content managed through Sanity provides mobile users with an engaging and smooth user experience.


WordPress excels in creating mobile-friendly websites. It offers responsive themes that adjust to many screen sizes to make the content look great on all devices. To customize this experience further, various tools are available for tailoring content specifically for mobile users. Moreover, WordPress provides testing tools to check how a site performs on other devices. The active WordPress community contributes significantly by sharing best practices and providing support, making WordPress a top choice for building websites that are as effective on mobile as on desktops.

Team management

Every CMS offers unique features that can improve team collaboration inside the platform. User roles, permissions, limitations — all of this can be customized in Sanity and WordPress. With the right tools and strategy, it opens the door for a smooth workflow and an opportunity for growth and efficiency.


Sanity CMS transforms team collaboration with its dynamic plans. The free plan is perfect for smaller teams, allowing up to 20 users. It has customizable content workspaces, live previews, and visual editing tools for a more interactive experience. Scaling up, the growth plan supports up to 50 users with multiple roles. For the ultimate customization, the Enterprise plan is the way to go. It offers a custom count of users, their roles, and access control, giving you accurate management of team permissions and workflows.


WordPress offers an effective system for team management, using defined user roles to determine access and editing privileges. WordPress has six pre-defined roles: Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber. Administrators have complete control over the site, while Editors manage content, and Authors focus on creating and editing their own posts. With this approach, every team member has a distinct space to perform their tasks. Plus, this feature is completely free and supports an unlimited number of users, within reasonable limits, of course.

Plugins and extensions

Plugins and extensions are the secret elements that can supercharge your websites. They add extra functionality and features, transforming a basic site into a powerful, tailor-made digital experience.


With Sanity CMS you get an extensive toolkit of plugins, offering everything a developer could wish for to jazz up content management, smooth out workflows, and handle data like a pro. These plugins range from content enrichment tools to automation tools for hassle-free scheduling and publishing. Craving more? Just take a virtual stroll through the Sanity Marketplace to see the list of available plugins. There are also tools crafted by third-party companies and individual experts that cater to different complex requirements.


WordPress plugin market boasts over 59,000 free plugins for various functions. Need to boost your site’s SEO or fortify its security? There’s a plugin for that. Dreaming of an e-commerce website or a social media empire? You’ve got tools for those too. These plugins can turn a basic WordPress layout into a rich web platform.

For those seeking more specialized solutions, premium plugins step in with advanced features, professional support, and regular updates. Ranging in price, they provide peace of mind and are ideal for high-traffic sites, complex projects, or when unique, sophisticated functionalities are required.

Pre-made themes and templates

Pre-made themes and templates make it easier than ever to launch a visually appealing and functional website quickly. Sanity and WordPress offer a vast array of ready-to-use designs with unique styles for different industries.


Sanity CMS simplifies website-building with customizable pre-made themes and templates. They come with live previews and the embedded Sanity Studio, all ready for deployment. These ready-to-use designs are visually appealing and adaptable to fit any brand or style. Want to switch up the colors, fonts, or layout? You can tweak and tune your layout until it perfectly mirrors your brand’s personality!


WordPress’ vast library of over 10,000 free themes features an easy and quick way to craft stunning websites. Catering to every style imaginable, from sleek and modern to vibrant and creative, these themes make your site look polished and appealing.

And here’s where the real fun begins: the WordPress Theme Customizer. Equipped with a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, you can easily play with themes to match your preferences. This tool allows for creating custom templates, perfect for various content types, such as blog posts or product pages.

Integrations with third-party services

Exploring integrations with third-party services reveals a world of possibilities.
From improving user engagement to enhancing website performance with advanced analytics, these tools will make the most of the project.


Sanity stands out with its ability to effortlessly integrate with a broad spectrum of third-party services. This adaptability enables users to amplify the platform’s features, linking it with familiar tools and systems for a solid digital experience. These integrations are crucial for smooth data flow, automating complex workflows, and fostering efficient communication between Sanity and external services.

But wait, there’s more! Sanity demonstrates its integration strength across multiple sectors. In digital publishing, it connects with networks like Cloudflare to enhance content delivery. For e-commerce, it integrates with shipping providers, simplifying the logistics process. Meanwhile, marketing agencies leverage integrations with CRM platforms like Salesforce for efficient customer data management and insightful campaign analysis.


Integrating third-party APIs into a WordPress site opens doors to a wealth of external resources and information. Yes, this quest can be a bit more intricate than on platforms like Sanity, but that’s where the excitement lies. One effective way to manage API integration in WordPress is through the WPGetAPI plugin. Once installed and activated, enter critical details like the API Name, ID, and Base URL to establish a connection.

But the journey doesn’t end there. Next, you’ll explore the API’s documentation to specify the endpoints. This is vital as it determines how your site will communicate with the external API. The final act? Testing the integration to ensure every cog and wheel works in harmony.


Security is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing the platform for your online presence. Selecting a CMS that aligns with your security needs and offers the right level of protection is important.


Sanity CMS has a secure environment, primarily due to its headless nature.
It separates content management from content delivery, inherently minimizing the potential attack surface. This architectural choice means that Sanity has no direct front-end to exploit so that it can be fortified with the latest security measures, independent of the back-end.

Additionally, Sanity prioritizes security at the data layer. It employs best practices like data encryption at rest and in transit, conducts regular penetration testing, and adheres to industry standards such as GDPR. This comprehensive approach to security protects data integrity and maintains user privacy.


WordPress widespread popularity makes it an attractive target for cyber threats. Its core system is secure, particularly when updates are regularly applied. However, the feature that makes WordPress potentially vulnerable — is its extensive use of plugins and themes. Each tool can be a security risk, especially if they are not properly managed or regularly updated.

But let’s not forget about the power of the platform’s wide and active community of developers. They are constantly working to patch up weaknesses and keep the CMS safe. And you, as the user, can play a part by handpicking safe and reliable plugins and services for your website.

SEO opportunities

SEO is the integral element that guides your website to the top of search engine results. It helps improve online visibility and reach target audiences effectively. Understanding how Sanity and WordPress handle SEO can even change your digital strategy or the platform choice overall.

<div class="post__style-link">To get more information about search engine optimization and its crucial elements, explore our SEO Basics Guide for Beginners.</div>


Sanity’s prowess as a headless CMS plays a key role in its SEO capabilities. This architectural style means it’s all about managing content behind the scenes while giving you the freedom to present it any way you like. Generating SEO-friendly URLs easily, incorporating slugs and keywords, helps search engines get a clear picture of your content’s structure and relevance. Its image optimization tools offer resizing, compression, and alt-text generation, all crucial for SEO. Moreover, Sanity’s efficient management of meta titles, descriptions, and tags ensures that search engines have vital information for accurate page ranking.


One of WordPress’s strengths lies in its extensive library of SEO plugins, with popular choices like Yoast SEO and Rank Math. Additionally, its ability to integrate with tools, such as Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, offers insights into website performance and search rankings to fine-tune SEO strategies effectively. Beyond this, the CMS excels in metadata management, including titles, descriptions, and tags. The platform also supports schema markup and generates XML sitemaps so search engines can discover and index website content.

Performance optimization

Performance optimization in content management systems is pivotal for enhancing website speed and user experience. It’s about making your platform not just fast but smooth and responsive, providing an exciting journey for every visitor.


Sanity design separates the front-end from back-end processes, allowing for more efficient loading and better user experiences. Developers can use this flexibility to apply advanced optimization techniques. These include code minification, tree shaking, dynamic component loading and resource prioritization. While more integrated systems like WordPress might struggle to keep up, Sanity offers this level of control and precision tuning. It’s a playground for developers aiming to push websites to their peak performance, making Sanity a top choice for those who want to turbocharge their online presence.

<div class="post__style-link">If you want to learn how to analyze the performance of your website or app with ease, read our blog post about Sanity Lighthouse.</div>


WordPress, while immensely popular, isn’t without its performance quirks. It’s a feature-packed platform, where every plugin adds a new charm to the project. While these tools are important in extending functionality, they can sometimes lead to longer load times, slowing down the website’s tempo. And then there’s the hosting provider, the fundamental choice of the overall performance. It’s a decision that requires wisdom, as the right host can turn a sluggish site into a high-speed online platform.

E-commerce functionality

E-commerce functionality is critical for businesses looking to sell online. Sanity and WordPress cater to e-commerce in different ways, from product management to checkout processes. Understanding these features helps in creating an effective online shopping experience for customers.


Sanity CMS takes a content-first approach, turning the task of building and managing product catalogs into a smooth, seamless affair. It’s like having a magic wand that organizes your products and handles orders with a flick. The headless architecture of Sanity CMS is useful for e-commerce, providing the flexibility to scale and the capacity to deliver content across various channels. Whether you’re a small boutique or a growing enterprise, Sanity grows with you, adapting to your ever-evolving needs.

Sanity’s knack for playing well with a variety of e-commerce platforms and payment gateways. It’s a universal feature, connecting your business to the right tools and services, allowing you to weave together an online shopping experience that’s not just efficient but also tailored to delight your customers. 


WordPress empowers users to effortlessly handle product catalogs, process payments, and leverage a variety of e-commerce tools and services. Central to its e-commerce capability is WooCommerce, a widely popular plugin in this platform’s extensive ecosystem. It transforms a standard WordPress site into a fully functional online store, customizable to the user’s requirements. While WooCommerce is free, it’s important to note that certain aspects, like payment gateways, credit card processing, and shipping may incur additional costs.

Community support

At the front of any content management system lies a supportive community. Experienced Sanity and WordPress users and novices alike — share, collaborate, and innovate. This collective effort transforms the user experience from building a simple website to continuous learning and community engagement.


Sanity CMS is supported by a helpful community, offering an array of resources and support for users of all skill levels. There’s a comprehensive online documentation library, providing guidance and insights for working with Sanity. Additionally, the CMS boasts an active forum and discussion group, alongside a vibrant Slack community. This collaborative space is a hub where users can ask questions, exchange experiences, and work together on projects no matter what time it is on the clock. Keeping up with the digital age, Sanity also maintains an active presence on social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub, to make users stay connected and informed.


WordPress is renowned for its large community, offering support to users across all levels of technical expertise. This platform has dedicated forums where everyone can seek help, share insights, and discuss specific issues. Furthermore, WordPress fosters community engagement through virtual events, such as learning, networking, and collaboration opportunities. For those who love to self-educate, WordPress offers extensive documentation. This isn’t just a collection of guides but a comprehensive resource, spanning from the basics of setup to the intricacies of advanced customization.

Halo Lab expertise

Every website demands close attention to detail and development down to the smallest nuances. Bringing ideas to life, filling sites with vitality, and launching them online is what we do at Halo Lab. Our specialists have extensive experience in developing and optimizing websites using both Sanity and WordPress platforms and can assist other developers in various aspects. Through the work process, we explore the technical and SEO enhancements that your CMS doesn’t cover, making your platform stand out from the crowd.

Our portfolio is a showcase of our expertise. With WordPress, we crafted the Raven project, a perfect blend of visually appealing and functional website. Our work with Sanity is illustrated in the Mite case, where we leveraged the platform’s flexibility to create a customized digital solution. If you still haven’t decided which CMS to choose or unsure about how to approach website creation in general, we’re here to help. Reach out to the Halo Lab team today, and let’s start shaping your unique digital journey together.

Case studies from Halo Lab’s portfolio


Based on our experience working with Sanity and WordPress, we’ve seen firsthand how each project is a unique challenge, demanding specific plugins, integrations, and features. The choice of CMS is closely linked to the website’s goals, and we hope this article has helped you navigate the many aspects of both platforms. While there’s much more to explore, we’ve highlighted the key points worth your attention. Remember, the CMS choice should fit your technical needs, ensuring that every click and scroll translates into a story worth telling.

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